IPv6: What’s the deal and how to get started

IPv6: What’s the deal and how to get started

The connected world is rapidly running out of assignable IPv4 addresses. According to a calculator by APNIC (the regional Internet registry for Asia and the Pacific) blogger Geoff Huston, most geographical areas have exhausted their IPv4 address pool. The African...
Managed Services – where is SA headed?

Managed Services – where is SA headed?

In the latter part of 2015, we presented arguments to make the case for Managed Services within ICT-dependent sectors. These included resource, cost and reliability considerations. Since then, a number of entities have asked about progress in the field. Questions...
E-learning bridges the knowledge gap

E-learning bridges the knowledge gap

The e-learning experience High-tech classrooms, advanced distance e-learning, digital courses and online education. The traditional model of imparting knowledge from educator to learner has evolved somewhat since the start of the digital age. While the formative years...
Troubleshooting – tackled the tried and tested way

Troubleshooting – tackled the tried and tested way

What is a troubleshooting? Among the definitions we managed to find: a troubleshooter is “a person who  locates and repairs problems”. Hence, troubleshooting is a process based on fault finding and correction. At its core it involves  using a...