Hosted services, mobility and time – lessons in efficiency

Hosted services, mobility and time – lessons in efficiency

Making best use of hosted services means not only being able to work remotely, but managing your time better. The idea is to maximise available time for productive outputs. Working from anywhere via reliable connectivity is only the start. You also need to consider...
Office etiquette still means plenty

Office etiquette still means plenty

Mention the words “office etiquette” to someone random. You’ll most likely receive either a raised eyebrow or the rolling back of eyeballs. Yet consider that it’s about politeness, manners and tolerance. Thus, it isn’t hard to see why...
Soft skills: hiring for the best company fit

Soft skills: hiring for the best company fit

Roughly 18 months ago, we wrote about why soft skills are becoming as much of a commodity as knowledge-based skills. Due to this trend, more hiring opportunities worldwide consider these skills than ever before. We take a look at how you can leverage this movement...
Communication drives what a business does

Communication drives what a business does

Communication is how we share ideas, information, requests, instructions and progress. It stands to reason, then, that it’s going to permeate every aspect of your business. With this in mind, you should give it due consideration when planning and acting....
Meet me halfway – modern approaches to meetings

Meet me halfway – modern approaches to meetings

Meetings are a common source of divided opinions. Some attendees will insist that they are a waste of time and resources. Others consider them to be invaluable for communicating. Still others are on the fence, seeing both advantages and disadvantages. Whichever side...