It’s the time of year where most people and organisations wind down, take a breather and recharge. Using technology to help you out seems natural nowadays. Yet there are always small ways to make this approach work better for you.

Stay connected. Or not.

Oddly enough, technology can sometimes cause one to burn out. This is more prevalent with people who are consistently exposed to it in one form or another on a regular daily basis. What’s more, forming resistance against one type of technology can quite easily lead you into an aversion to other types.

Essentially, take a good look at whether or not you need a bit of a break from anything with a circuit board. If you feel that you do, make sure you take a digital detox, even if it’s only for a short while. You’ll thank yourself later.

Technology for gifting…or as a gift

It’s easier to shop online than ever before. With advances in hosting and online commerce, you can find a gift for someone, order it, pay for it, and have it delivered with plenty of time to wrap it up.

While hardly a new topic, the subject of online shopping is increasingly intriguing to many. What’s more, it seems to be trending towards not just gift buying, but gift giving to those less fortunate, as pointed out in this article.

Whatever you do, however, make sure you’re safe when shopping online. Keep an eye out for the latest scams to help you not fall prey to them. Remember the golden rule – if something sounds too good to be true, it’s usually because it is!

Stay informed and entertained

It’s easy to get lost in a festive rush and when the time comes you don’t actually have something to put forth. Thankfully, technology is at the forefront of helping you counter this.

Need a quick and tasty meal idea? Hop online and ask away. No clue what to do with your guests or children? Try looking up fun and educational activities. Want to plan your trips better? Check out the expected and current status of traffic easily, usually form the palm of your hand. Forgot to throw a soothing dinner playlist together? Any one of half a dozen music services is at hand to help you out.

Current and future technology trends

If you’re keen to use technology to spice up your festive season, there are already ways to do that. If you want to keep it simple, go for a fibre optic Christmas tree. Thanks to its design, this lasts for many years, and gives cheerful brightness without needing to add additional lights.

Should you want to take it up a notch, though, there are many varying decorations and ideas you can opt for. What’s more, if you’re among the more technology-inclined, you can even try designing, building and programming your very own fancy decorations.

Looking ahead, it’s almost feasible to stretch our imagination and think of what can actually transpire to make for a more tech-based season. This article from a scant 3 years ago not only thought up things we’re already familiar with, like 3D-printed toys and drone deliveries, but also delves into what we can likely expect within the next few years.

Try something completely different

Last year, a pair of journalists embarked on a task to make a neural network write a new plot for a Christmas movie. In this article, they explain how they went about it. The methodology wasn’t complicated, and it made use of technology already available.

The results are purely for comedy purposes, though they demonstrate an important point. In future, perhaps similar technology can be used to optimise current ideas, or create more imaginative new ones.

Adept would like to wish all out staff, clients, suppliers and indeed absolutely everyone a safe, prosperous and joyful holiday season, and a fantastic 2020 ahead!